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Applications & Forms
Oberweis Premier Select IRA
Oberweis Securities, Inc. (OSI) and its affiliates, Oberweis Asset Management, Inc. and The Oberweis Funds, have developed a business continuity plan to address a possible business disruption, emergency, or catastrophic event. While it is impossible to forecast every potential problem that could occur, OSI believes it has taken reasonable precautions to enable it to resume business operations under a variety of scenarios. If the OSI offices or immediate surroundings were to become unsuitable for operations, we intend to continue business under the provisions of the plan.
So that we can respond to events as they occur, we have identified functions critical to daily operations. Among other things, these functions include:
In the event of a disruption, we intend to deliver these critical functions from an alternate facility, or a third-party service provider will deliver them to you. We require service providers who deliver these essential services to meet our business continuity requirements.
Oberweis Securities, Inc. (“OSI”) is an introducing broker. Transactions effected by OSI are executed and settled through our clearing firm, National Financial Services LLC (“NFS”). NFS makes the routing decisions concerning customer transactions for OSI. SEC Rule 606 requires all broker-dealers that route orders in equity and option securities to make available quarterly reports on order routing practices. The below quarterly reports provide information on the routing of nondirected orders in NMS stocks and option contracts in NMS securities; that is, any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution.
Investors have the ability to request specific order routing and execution information. This will include the identity of the market place where the orders were routed for execution, whether the orders were directed or non-directed, and the time of the execution, if any. Investors can request to receive this information in writing. You may contact your brokerage firm for additional details on the information that is available.
For Institutional Investors Only
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The information on this site is intended for institutional investors and consultants to institutional investors and is published for informational purposes only. The information is directed at informing persons falling within one or more of the following categories:
Persons who do not fall into one of the above categories should not review the information contained in this site.
You are entering the website of National Financial Services LLC, A Fidelity Investments Company (NFS).
NFS is the clearing broker and custodian for Oberweis accounts.
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